

3785 NW 82nd Ave, Miami, FL 33166, USA


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Closed opens on Monday at 09:00AM

09:00AM - 05:00PM


09:00AM - 05:00PM


09:00AM - 05:00PM


09:00AM - 05:00PM


09:00AM - 00:00AM





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Jessica Hernandez March 4, 2020 9:19 pm


I am one to really think twice before posting a review of a place, but this one, I really have to review.

I have CIGNA Open Access Plus, which unfortunately doesn’t cover a lot of ultrasounds until I meet the deductible. I specifically told the nurse/doctor assistant/lady that was explaining me the procedure, that I knew I had high payments for ultrasounds, and that if that was the case, I wasn’t going to be able to pay it right now. She then goes to check with the girls at the reception, and comes back TELLING ME AND MY HUSBAND THAT THE INSURANCE WAS COVERING IT , AND THAT WE DID NOT HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING IN THIS VISIT. My husband ended up paying $227 dollars out of our pocket, for this ultrasound. I find this place to be ABSOLUTELY UNPROFESSIONAL, LACKS KNOWLEDGE AND TEACHING THEIR STAFF ABOUT THIS KIND OF THINGS. Sometimes, you cannot think that just because you have people or celebrities that come to your office, and pay what you steal from them, you can do the same with any other person that have major expense responsibilities. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for this and not having the kindness enough to fix this misunderstanding mistake THAT’S ON YOUR STAFF, NOT ME OR MY HUSBAND!

OOOhh .. and let me not miss the lady in one of the offices saying: “Well , we gave you a service” – Excuse me? As if you weren’t already charging my insurance for my visit? TERRIBLE .. TERRIBLE .. TERRIBLE service and communication from this place.
Please think twice before going to this place! I wasn’t too sure about this place, but wanted to be complacent with my husband as he was anxious to confirm our news. I came out extremely agravated from a visit i should have came happier than ever! Hate dishonesty and lack of responsibility for acts, and this place completely avoided theirs.


Soy unas persona que para dejar un review, tiene que haber tenido una verdadera buena o mala experiencia, y en este caso TENGO que dejar este review.

Yo tengo CIGNA OPEN ACCESS PLUS, el cual no cubre muchos de los ultrasonidos que necesito hacerme hasta que yo cubra mi deducible. Fui especifica en esto, y le pedi a las asistente del Doctor Cruz, que porfavor estuviese segura de esto y chequeara con mi seguro antes del procedimiento.

Ella sale, chequea con otra asistente fuera del cuarto, y regresa diciendo y CONFIRMANDO que NO TENIA QUE PAGAR NADA!!
Cuando terminamos el procedimiento, mi esposo sale pagando $227 dolares, cuando habia sido especifica acerca de la situacion de mi seguro. Lo peor es que evadieron la situacion, no responsabilizaron la mis-comunicacion de sus trabajadoras, y sale siempre perdiendo el paciente.

OOH .. Y lo peor es que luego me llama a la oficina una de las trabajadoras, y me dice que ellos estan cobrando un servicio, como si no estuviesen cobrandole a mi seguro por la cita!! enserio? La falta de HONESTIDAD, ETICA y PROFESIONALISMO de este lugar es DEMASIADO.

porfavor, piensalo DOS veces antes de ir a este lugar, que no porque traten a influencers, celebridades, o personas que pagan lo que les roban, tienen derecho a hacer lo mismo con los demas.

Chequea tu seguro y beneficios, ANTES de cualquier procedimiento en este lugar , porfavor!


Angelica Cifuentes November 22, 2019 5:30 am

Most incredible group of doctors ever. I recommend them to everyone. They make you feel comfortable and answer all your questions. I met them all and was on constant rotation even though Dr. Cruz was my main, till this day i cannot choose who was the best just because they’re all so amazing lol. Every time i went their energy was so positive and happy and it really made the whole experience incredible. I delivered with Dr. Cardenas but was checked up by Dr. A Triana at the hospital the days afterward, all incredible. Love those guys. My sons birth was even better than i had planned all because they took the time to explain things and consider me and my decisions as well. No epidural and i delivered in 2 minutes 😂😂 also a plus: they remind you a week before your appointment via text and again the day before!!

Brittany Williams October 21, 2019 1:28 am

This review is for Albert Triana. I have been a patient of his for about 3 years now. Although I only see him once a year for my annual visit, it is always a great experience.

His staff is super nice. When I made my initial appointment, the young lady was very helpful and the process was smooth. Now that I make my appointments a year in advance (while I am at current appointment), I appreciate that they call to remind you about your appointment when it is time.

The facility is clean; even the bathroom. I have been to places where the bathroom is not the cleanest.

I love the fact that Dr. Triana is honest. He always ends his appointments with “If you don’t hear from us, everything is fine.” I appreciate that because some doctors will call you in and collect a co-pay just to tell you that you’re fine. So this is huge for me!

I look forward to many more visit with Dr. Triana!

Lebsinay A.K.A LebsyBellaHair September 10, 2019 3:50 pm

This is by far the most unprofessional, disrespectful, and selfish doctor and medical staff I have ever witnessed. I first called his office in Doral when I was 15 weeks pregnant to see this doctor. I was told to take my records which I did. When arriving to the office it was closed due to a power outage which I never was called or informed about. When I called the office the next day they blamed the Mercy office for not calling me. They rescheduled my appointment and asked for more records I took multiple trips back and fourth not being able to see the doctor because they told me in their Doral office how once they had the missing reports the doctor would see me. I asked if everything so far with my paperwork looked good and they said yes that I was only missing an OBG panel which my previous doctor never ordered for me and they were aware of this information, they say they understood and gave me another appointment for Francisco cruz to see me. I spent almost 2 months in this process calling the office almost every day and some days not being able to get in contact with them due to them not picking up. I received different answers from different people. Had records fax multiple times even from my previous pregnancy. I am not a high risk pregnancy. if they knew the doctor would not see me why keep me back and fourth with appointments and asking for paperwork they already had. After being given another appointment for the 3rd of September they cancelled on me because of hurricane Dorian. The Doral office said they would call me to reschedule. A week after I had to call in because no one called me. After calling multiple times I finally received an answer from Nelia saying they needed another ultrasound I had already taken to the and had the ultrasound office email to her directly. I called again to verify they had received my report once again and they told me the doctor had decided he wasn’t going to take my case. When I asked why? Specially after having me for 2 months with appointments scheduled to see him since everything was fine. They said they didn’t have an answer it was just a decision the doctor made. I am so upset about this because this is so irresponsible both from the doctor and the medical staff. I am pregnant and my blood pressure has risen from the lack of care and communication. It is unreliable to me the way these doctors don’t care about patients and either do their staff. I even completed paperwork with them all for nothing! I saw so many good reviews about this doctor and was so excited to have him monitor my pregnancy and deliver my baby. But all I experienced was lack of professionalism, care, and ethic. I feel so sorry for any other pregnant women that has to experience this, no doctor should work like this.

My Nguyen June 7, 2019 1:20 pm

I wish I can give them 0 star, unprofessional. First apt i have to wait for 3 weeks, and when I come, they said the doctor busy, I have to reschedule another 2 weeks. It seem like they only have 1 docter there. Not recommended for anyone