

10415 NW 52nd St, Doral, FL 33178, USA


Opening Hours

Closed opens tomorrow at 8:00 AM

8:00 AM - 3:15 PM


8:00 AM - 3:15 PM


8:00 AM - 3:15 PM


8:00 AM - 3:15 PM


8:00 AM - 3:15 PM





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Vane T. March 10, 2018 10:03 pm

Excessively- disorganized, stressed, unfriendly, rude unprofessional and unethical staff. The school grounds are horrible. Too few professional and loving teachers and security guard. My only impression about this school compares to the song: “Welcome to the Jungle”. I was warned not to give this school a chance. I did it and now I regret it and feel quite guilty about putting my child through such misery. My child is almost done with his first but ONLY year there. If you love your child/children DO NOT enroll him/her/them at this horrible jungle; I mean “school”.

Francesca Porcelli December 28, 2017 3:52 am

This mall is great! Definitely would recommend coming here! They even have a pencil store! The food court is meh there isn’t even outdoor seating. At least there are booths inside. I went to Ms. Clark’s store and it was the best! I bought a table and a chair and I also got a free pencil! Every store has only one employee but they are all very helpful. Jk. They wouldn’t let me take the table home and they wouldn’t deliver either. This mall is huge and even has an elevator but not an escalator. Overall great mall! The sign at the front is messed up because it says k-8 center instead of mall! But I would definitely bring my future kids here!

Jessica Tamayo August 17, 2017 1:30 pm

I have been in this school since kindergarten and all the teachers are nice, now im going to middle school
even the people in the office are very nice and polite

stephanie de oliveira October 22, 2016 6:07 pm

I was at BJ brew house over 2 weeks ago and there were staff members/ teachers of this school at the bar drinking with their uniform on and talking bad about trilingual students and saying how they treat the kids who speak only Portuguese and demand how they only speak Spanish or English. You are really going to discriminate kids who speak Portuguese. They will learn English no mater what and will be advanced because they speak more than 2 languages. I would give this school a big fat F!!!! But the only way I can post a comment is if I rate the school 1 star…The school should hire their staff carefully because the things they were saying were completely bullying/racist!!!!

Gelly Martin September 11, 2016 3:03 pm

As a first time kindergarten parent, so far i am dissatisfied with how this school handles things. First, the administrative staff is not the most welcoming. When I first proceeded to register my child for kindergarten, the staff was very unfriendly and would not look up from their desk to see if someone needed help. When they were finally called on, they acted as though they were doing you a favor. This happened all three times that I was there trying to register my 5 year old for kindergarten. They also seem to be very disorganized. When I registered my kid, and brought in all immunizations, they told me everything was complete. This was a month before school commenced. Last week they sent me a notice stating that it was not complete and that I needed to remediate this. I took my kid for a well check up and the doctor and nurse told me that in fact it is complete!!!! SO this school made me waste part of my day from work, take my kid out from school to be told this! I took my kid back again the same day to have her be marked off as “ABSENT”. I was already exasperated with the whole deal and then was confronted by a teacher with a bad attitude telling me that I was “NOT SUPPOSE TO PARK BY THE MORGAN LEVY parking lot if you’re going to the school!!! You’re suppose to go from the front!!!”. I felt like telling her “I’ve already been screwed from the back lady!!!”. But instead told her that I didn’t know this as It was my first time with a kindergartener in this whole process. She didn’t care and proceeded to lecture me telling me “I am only going to allow this once!!!”. Oh yes, it doesn’t help that they still didn’t know when orientation would be TWO WEEKS before school actually started!! Needless to say, I am not too happy right now. The teacher so far seems to be pretty good though.