

1425 NW 82nd Ave, Doral, FL 33126, USA


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Stefanie Lopez November 7, 2018 6:57 pm

Recently my sister had brain surgery and has lost the ability to drive herself anywhere. Her insurance only pays for this company so we have no choice. She has to go to chemo every single day. My elderly mother accompanies her. This company has left them both sitting in the lobby of Cleveland Clinic for up hours. The appointment was over at 10am. They arrived around 5:20pm. They were called 4 times and just kept giving us excuses. We had no other option so We crossed our fingers and tried again hoping they were just having a really bad day last time………
This is just how they operate.
We hired a CNA to help us . Out of our own pocket. I Currently have a complaint in with the insurance company about this company. I would not trust this company with yourself or your loved one. Unless you don’t mind a 6 hour pick up window.

Ramon Omar Acosta Aguiar August 3, 2017 8:48 pm


Omar Acosta July 21, 2017 10:57 pm


Lisa Cordova March 20, 2017 12:17 pm

More than anything I want to say that for a long time we where looking for a private service like this, my dad is in a wheelchair and not able to walk, they have the perfect vehicles with lifts so my dad was very comfortable. We had use their service many times and they are always on time and ready to help.

We usually take him out to dinner .

Dania Leon December 21, 2016 3:50 pm