350 NW 97th Ave, Miami, FL 33172, USA
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Camila Graziano
April 21, 2018 12:20 pm
Ruben Dario Middle School i would say that it is not a bad school, they teach well and have good teacher. But the only thing I think is that the children do not have enthusiasm, they want to do whatever they want and the teachers do not say anything. the only thing i propose is that we give enthusiasm to children and not accept that they are rebels
Kevin Lemos
May 17, 2017 11:05 pm
Ruben Dario middle school. I’m not saying that is a bad school, but the system is definitely bad. I’m a student that got honor rolls, all 4 semesters, and that school always have an end of the school field trip, for honor roll kids, and honestly I was expecting to go to that field trip. After about 1day, and the weekend passed. I wasn’t aware that the forms was to be turned in on Monday, because I thought we students had extended time, for that kind of trip. After I went to give the field trip form, the school had told me, that the bus that it was supposed to take us was full, and there wasn’t no space for everybody.So I thought why do you guys give field trip forms to kids who deserve to go on the trip, not knowing If they can go, or can’t. The school should at least counted the students who got the forms, and if they were going or not. With all the respect, it isn’t fair, for kids to go through this. I just wanted to have a good time, from all the hard work I putted on my education. This field trip, would have been like a payment for getting honor rolls, and again, from working hard I say this.
Tyler Aguilar
May 5, 2017 5:48 pm
I have been here for 3 years and I will miss my friends and teachers when I graduate. It has been pretty fun. The teachers are nice and they teach very well. I learned how to do stuff like draw, explain my opinions, and express my thoughts. My favorite class is art and the program is really good if you want to get into a magnet school. I am in the Univision magnet program for tv.
Annie Gutierrez
December 9, 2014 11:24 pm
Well… I’m actually still a student in the school and honestly, IPrep isn’t as bad as it seemed this year the teacher are focused on the students and are actually fairly nice. Of course they still have that like ”I don’t like you” vibe but it’s cool. This is my second year in the program and so for I have a High B while last year I had a low C. I almost failed. In general the school is okay though it still needs improving. well ya BAI
Alejandro C
March 23, 2014 9:45 pm
It’s a very good school but I will give it only 3 stars due to the new program called “I-prep math”. The teachers in that program are very rude and do not listen to the students when they ask for help saying “You didn’t even try to learn the lesson.” I understand that in the program the children learn independently but the teachers for that program are horrible. I have a A and B Child in advanced classes and in that class my child has a D along with all the other students. I have had many meetings with the teachers in the program but they don’t even attempt to fix the problems in anyway. Many children have tried leaving the program but the principal has not allowed them due to the only normal Algebra 1 class is full.