

9705 NW 108th Ave #10, Miami, FL 33178, USA


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A full-service delivery, warehousing and distribution company in Miami, FL

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Dustin Oaks January 14, 2020 3:50 pm

I took a BIG chance on this company roughly two years ago. I Moved my family 350 miles south to join Comet, and it is the best decision i have ever made. If you are looking for honest prices or looking to drive for an honest company, look no further than Comet Delivery!

Pat britelitetribe July 8, 2019 7:27 pm

You need it delivered, they deliver. Any time, anywhere in Florida. They get it done!

ruben espinoza December 1, 2018 3:59 pm

This place deserve no stars at all but its the only way Im allow to post. Lets start by mentioning the lack of professionalism and only because they have been in the business for more than 30 years (which I have not idea how they have make it soooo far) they think they know all, well news flash, your sistem is obsolete . I went to apply because I have a van in great conditions, and a man @ front desk had not idea how to answer my questions, he just answered “like a robot” and always in a rush. Then a lady very rude, profaniting and cursing as if she were at Hialeah o el Palacio de los Jugos you named it, I do not understand how in a company of Jews they could have such vulgar lady Latina. After I applied, they never called me , I was the one who called and the dispatchers told me that there was nothing for me, too much favoritism with old drivers. I do not understand why they put an ad on Craigslist that need vans if they do not have jobs. Liars, wasting my time and my friend David Perez’s time too. Stop hiring drivers and start hiring personnel my advice for u.

Great Person October 30, 2018 3:35 pm

Good Morning Great America. Im currently working with comet as a driver . This company is very reliable and understanding. They’re
real people that has goals to satisfy all customer needs. With every new challenge, comet delivery services is there too adapt and ensure nothing gets left behind .

Randy Burman September 11, 2013 8:00 pm

I’ve worked with the great team at Comet Delivery Services for over 20 years for three reasons. One and two is that they are dependable and reliable. And three is that they understand that, especially when it comes to delivery services, timing is everything. My graphic design firm, IKON Communication + Marketing Services, has demanding clients that require mostly, time-sensitive, local pick-up and delivery services. A typical order is a three-part round trip of a just-off-the-press proof, that needs to be rushed to the design firm for us to inspect, then taken to the client for their approval, and finally expediently delivered back to the printer with sign-offs, before a waiting 6-color press can be given the thumbs-up. Another typical scenario is for Comet to pick-up a comp at seven in the morning, deliver to our client’s office before nine, so the client can walk into an early-morning board or committee meeting with glossy presentation in-hand. My clients count on me throwing a touchdown and with total confidence, I depend on Comet to run the ball across the goal line.

I use Comet to deliver everything from an envelope to a van load of boxes. They’ve received, warehoused and delivered items on pallets, too large to receive at our office. Bottom-line, Comet has accommodated every delivery service need that our firm has had, and because of this, I have, without hesitation, recommended Comet Delivery Services, for years, to many of our own clients. And the whole Comet team gets bonus points for being really, really nice people to deal with!