

8605 NW 8th St, Miami, FL 33126, USA


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Alexander Shishido January 30, 2018 8:25 pm

We have gotten a surge in renters and the quality of living has dipped immensely. The parking has gotten out of control where we have almost no guest parking. Parking decals have curbed the problem but only slightly. We have people parking in non designated parking areas like handicap unloading/ no parking zones.

The filth that people leave behind is incredible. We have trash all over the pavements cigarette butts BLANKETING the mulch. People leave their unwanted trash/furniture/ whatever they don’t want anymore in the communal laundry room.

Every time I have gone to the property manager he dismisses your concern and it absolutely not helpful.

Navajoboy 84 January 27, 2018 4:37 pm

Building manager likes snooping around. Tells people how to live. Glad I’m moving out soon.

There is also some random person going around slashing tires in no parking zones because of the parking problem.

Manager was told and to my knowledge nothing was done.

No one cleans up after their pets. In areas where kids play too.

Ariel Estigarribia November 23, 2016 4:12 am
Esthephanie Pérez Vega March 13, 2016 5:41 pm