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6:00 AM - 8:00 PM


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8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


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LA Fitness is located 630 W 49TH STREET. This HIALEAH gym offers personal training, group fitness classes, weights, & more.

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R Aragon February 25, 2020 4:56 pm

The price might be scary at first but this place is worth it. They have several free weights, multiple machines, a great variety of cardio machines, they offer many types of classes from yoga to spinning. You have access to a indoor basketball/volleyball court, racquetball, sauna and a swimming pool. I would highly recommend this to anyone that wants to lose weight.

Amanda Panda January 14, 2020 3:12 pm

The gym was amazing. However, the manager Armando and Miguel Rodriguez a personal trainer were very rude and unprofessional. Miguel got uncomfortably close to my face and said that my fitness goals were pointless if I did not want to look like a model.. I informed Miguel that my goal is to be a healthier version of myself, I love my curves & it wouldn’t feel authentic to me to be so thin. Miguel pointed at a picture of a blonde skinny lady on the wall and asked me if I wanted to look like her? I responded No! He in turn rolled his eyes got up and left the table. I would not recommend joining this gym! The trainers are supposed to support you and encourage you on your health journey instead they are down right rude and disrespectful. If I were you, I would take my business and fitness goals elsewhere!!

Javier Socarras November 20, 2019 5:40 pm

4 stars because the staff can do a better job at keeping the weights where they go. The environment on the other hand, only gets 1 star. There are more people standing around chatting in their clean jumpsuit pants and brand new sneakers then there are actually working out. It’s more of a social gathering than a gym. Maybe 5 people were actually working out and putting in hard work. Crowded for no reason, if you want to see grown men trying to peacock with gold chains. Then this is the gym for you.

Stephanie Marquina September 5, 2019 4:41 am

Nice gym with very friendly and helpful staff. It is usually nice and clean when I go. Some of the machines are a little worn, but they still serve their purpose. The trainers are cool. Mercy is absolutely amazing. She is so passionate about training. She definitely has coaching mastered.

Jorge Fernandez March 5, 2019 10:02 pm

All type of machines , always been my gym since 2011 that they opened up , tried leaving to a different gym but there is no competition at the end of the day so I’m back. They renew they floor and now it looks even nicer than the last time.