

7200 NW 46th St, Miami, FL 33166, USA


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Bgeclizmary 9 December 9, 2019 1:12 am

Where’s the sign up form🤣🤔

Carlos KOO July 5, 2019 4:39 pm

There’s nothing like not having to worry about the safety of your child when dropping them off at their favorite activity. The staff works tirelessly to ensure not only progression athletically, but to instill self-confidence, respect for everyone and personal growth. The lessons learned via a competitive team environment will be carried with them and utilized for the rest of their lives
The coaching staff cumulatively has more than 75 years experience, 4 gold medals, multiple World championships, countless National and State titles, as well as a few International championships to boot.

edith lavado May 23, 2018 5:32 pm

United Rock Nation is The Best Cheer program in South Florida.Our coaches work countless hours for every single detail to be perfect. They mentor our children and teach them Respect, Team Work, Motivation, Love, Caring, Leadership, Encouragement, Responsibilities and Humbleness, Passion, Inspiration that will be qualities that will carry over to every aspect of their entire lives. The sense of belonging that is though by them is something unreplaceable, they make each and every child feel special and take the time to teach each of them as if it was their own. I can’t even begin to thank them for making my Yaz the person she is today and what she will become in adulthood.
Our Gym (that’s the way we call it) is more like a big family even though we are started as strangers. We get together when the children are practicing and come up with ideas to do for our next competition, we help each other carpool for practices; we share rooms, help with make up and hair when traveling ( I even learned how to do make up) for competition and also share laughter and tears. We have our Parent Prayer Group before every single competition.
Our children are growing together in the same environment and they can’t get enough of their friends (teammates) they ask every day if they have practice and get upset when they don’t. They want to stay after practice is over to be with the coaches and see the other’s teams practice. They are so excited to wear their Competition Uniform and are so confident and proud to say that they cheer for United Rock Nation. They cheer each other while at practice and also at competitions and they also console each other when something goes wrong does not matter what team you are on or if you are older or young they are all sisters and brothers. The love and connection between them is indescribable and it’s all because of what you have taught them.
You have made Me love and understand the true meaning of Team and Family. Today I can proudly say that my Yaz is a Cheerleader and she Cheers for United Rock Nation. I cant thank you enough for allowing her to grow and making all of her dreams achievable; cant thank you enough for teaching her that with hard work, discipline and dedication she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. I cant thank you enough for all you have done for her and for all this and more I will forever be in depth with you.

Victoria Pino November 3, 2017 10:39 pm

Love all my fellow cheerleaders and my coaches

Xavier Pichs March 7, 2017 2:50 pm

Best cheer gym ever! Great staff and fellow cheer parents are as close as family.